I want to welcome all new & returning vendors to Texas Craft Fair. We are a permanent location offering markets every weekend, giving small business a growing location to offer their goods. We try to run our markets as affordable as possible for everyone, so that everyone has a chance to have a location to vend on the weekends. As we grow, we are adding more and more weekend events, making TCF the go to location in the area for weekend craft shows and other events.
We welcome new and returning vendors, but for the integrity of the market and for respect to your fellow vendors, we have implemented new rules as of 5-19-24.
Below i will go into details and cover everything from new to old. This page should cover everything you need to know about vending the Texas Craft Fair. Please also join our newly formed vendor group to exchange ideas with other vendors and learn about upcoming events all over East Texas here. You may sign up to be on our weekly vendor email blast here Texas Craft Fair Vendor email list.
Introduction – Market Organizer/Info
The Texas Craft Fair is owned and operated by Jason Mclelland. You can find me in the snow cone booth every weekend, I’m usually at the market 6 days a week. I can be reached by text 936-268-5829 or email tra@texascraftfair.com . I’m usually unable to answer calls, so please text or email. No other person speaks for this market other than me. All cancelations, booking, set up info, etc should be directed to me personally. I will never have anyone reach out to you on my behalf. To avoid any scams or misinformation, please bring it to my attention if anyone else contacts you acting as a representative of TCF.

How to apply/reserve:
New vendors must always submit an application located here. Please wait for approval (this could take a few days up to a week). On approval you will receive an email with a link to reserve your booth space located here. You may pay then online or choice to pay day of with cash. Once you reserve your space, we consider this a booked spot and will add you to the upcoming list so that we may promote you on social media and other outlets. After approval, you will be considered a preapproved vendor and may skip the application process in the future and just go directly to reserve a space for future dates. We will add you to our weekly vendor email blast, you may unsubscribe at the bottom of the email.
On approval a copy of the vendor agreement will be emailed to you. This must be signed for us to keep on file just as an acknowledgment that you are aware of the rules.
On regular TCF markets, our limit is 2 per type or category. I try to look at that close, in some cases the item type differs enough to where we can still fit it in. If I can’t approve based on that category being full, I usually put the application on hold as an alt list.
*NEW* Check In/Payment:
Please see the Snow Cone booth for check in before setting up. Payment will now be mandatory before setting up. There will be a sign on the table with the fee for the day. You may pay with cash or card. A receipt will be provided. Please be prepared to pay in advance before setting up.
You can always find our schedule on our facebook page. For special dates/events it will always be listed on website and facebook. Our ongoing schedule is as follows: Garage Sale Weekend every 2nd and 4th Fri/Saturday of the month. First and 3rd is regular TCF. On garage sale weekend we mix garage sale vendors with craft fair vendors, garage sale vendors or no app needed. Every 3rd Saturday is car show/TCF.
Texas Craft Fair Fridays are 5pm to 9pm, Saturdays 10am to 4pm
Moonlight Bazaar (which is a holistic focus with rocks, gems, etc) Saturday 6pm to 10 pm and Sun noon to 5pm.
Set up
We usually set up in the grass area depending on the grounds. Please check in at Snow cone booth at some point before show if you need info on set up. Electric rows are reserved for electric vendors, There is an additional $5 fee for electric.
Vendor Booth area is 10×10, Additional space may be purchased. All canopies must be properly weighted and staked. Tables must be set up so that they are protected from wind. You are responsible for any damages caused from improper set up (flying canopies, tables, insecure tie downs etc)
*NEW* Electric
We have limited electric. We try to reserve electric rows for those that need electric to vend such as food vendors etc. There will be an additional $5 fee for those using electric just to cover the cost of usage.
*NEW* Cancelations
Cancellations should be handled professionally. Please reach out DIRECTLY to me, or use this page to cancel a particular date. Please don’t send word with other vendors, or wait till day of unless its emergency. Cancelations should be done with a week notice if possible. No call/No shows after reserving a particular date (meaning you have booked a particular date but do not show up with no notice) will be fined $25 before being able to vend again. Please note that when booking a date, we take this as a contract agreement that you will be there on that date. Please refer to the non compete located here that you agree to when booking a date, this states that you make a promise not to cancel without notice to vend a competing market on same date. We use this information to promote for the week and to know what vendors we can approve (2 per category). So a no call/no show causes major issues with markets and will be handled seriously. We have a limited number of spaces to fill each market, by reserving a space, you have taken a space whether it gets used or not. So please make sure to let us know. Cancelation Form below:
*NEW* Early Tear Down
Early tear downs are no longer allowed unless discussed. If an exception is made, you will be asked to set up and park in a location so that it does not disrupt the market when tearing down. Early tear downs sets a bad trend, usually if one person tears down others see it and start to tear down, this is not fair to the vendors that are there for the day. Customers see this and think show is over and usually turn away. We will not allow early tear downs any longer without it being cleared first. Special circumstances can be arranged. Please plan to vend from start to finish. In some cases the organizer may call it early, so that everyone can tear down at once. IMPORTANT: We will be implementing a fine of $10 for those who tear down early without discussing it, This will have to be paid before vending again.
Clean up/Clean up Fee
Please make sure your area is clean when leaving. Do not leave zip ties on the ground or any trash. Please do the best you can to keep the area clean. If an area is left with excessive trash, we will take pictures and a clean up fee of $20 will be billed to you.
Bad Weather
In case of bad weather, we will always send a mass email to give everyone notice on a cancelation or change. We will usually do this Friday morning. I usually also make a post on our facebook page as well. If no word has been given, then proceed as normal.
The only person authorized to speak for Texas Craft Fair is Jason Mclelland, please make sure to relay any important information directly to him either in person or by email tra@texascraftfair.com . In matters of vending, cancelations, etc.. please make sure to communicate.
The vending fee sometimes changes depending on what’s happening that weekend. Always check at the snow cone booth, we will have a sign showing the price to vend that day. Here is the base prices:
Fridays $10
Saturdays 10am to 4pm $20
Moonlight bazaar $20 one day $30 for both
If you vend Saturday both shows its $30
Add an additional $5 for electric
Special events may have different fees
Non Compete
To protect the integrity of the market and the unique offerings atmosphere, We ask that FOOD VENDORS vending with us to please refrain from vending any events within a 1 mile radius of 3300 hwy 190 west, Livingston Texas for 2 weeks prior and 2 weeks after TCF vending date. Those found in violation of this policy may not be allowed to vend again. In addition, please see this page for full info on our non compete policy for date booked. https://texascraftfair.com/non-compete-clause-for-vendors/
The Vendor understands that neither Texas Craft Fair nor the exhibit facility maintains insurance covering the Vendors property and it is the sole responsibility of the Vendor to obtain such insurance.
The Vendor shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless Texas Craft Fair, it’s directors, employees, agents, and representatives from any losses, liabilities, damages, demands, suits, causes of action, judgments, costs or expenses (including court costs and reasonable attorneys’ fees) arising out of or due to (a) the construction or maintenance of Vendors exhibit; (b) the negligence or willful misconduct of Vendor, or its personnel, employees, agents or representatives; (c) Insufficient canopy set up, tables, displays or damages caused by a vendor’s set up;(d) Vendor’s materials distributed in connection with the trade show, including but not limited to Show Organizer’s use of the materials; or (d) Vendor’s breach of any commitment made in this Contract
Any controversy or claim arising out of or relating to this contract, or the breach thereof, shall be settled by arbitration in accordance with the Rules of the American Arbitration Association, and judgment upon the award rendered by the Arbitrator(s) may be entered in any court of competent jurisdiction.